Peter Arnell and the Fountainebleau Las Vegas.
It’s not often that people get to have their name in lights. With Peter Arnell, while he doesn’t often have his name in lights, he certainly finds his creations in lights all over the world. And now, he’ll be adding an impressive — and massive — addition to that basket. He is helping to design the Fountainebleau Las Vegas, a 67-story resort that is slated to open in 2023.
The project actually broke ground in 2007 and currently is about 75% complete. At the recent groundbreaking ceremony, they projected that the finished resort will create 3200 construction jobs and then another 6000 permanent positions when the resort is up and running.
The plans for the resort have certainly changed over the many years that it’s been in the works. Now, with Peter Arnell, Koch Real Estate Investments and Fontainebleau Development the project is well on its way. The resort spans 25 acres on the north end of the Strip and is strategically placed near the Las Vegas Convention Center.
As Steve Hill, CEO of the Las Vegas Convention And Vistors Authority said, “This building has seen a lot in the time it’s been up. It’s gone through a recession. It’s gone through a recovery. It’s gone through a pandemic. I think it says something about Las Vegas as a city that a building that has existed this long in this shape has the ability to thrive, to pick up where it left off and to be everything that it was meant to be.”